1. God glorified Jesus (1-3)
According to John, the last thing Jesus did before going into the Garden of Gethsemane, where he would be arrested, was pray. First, Jesus prayed for God to be glorified. It was time for Jesus to enter into his suffering. But Jesus prayed that his Father would glorify him, that he might glorify his Father through his suffering and death. God would glorify Jesus by raising him from the dead, and by giving Jesus authority to grant eternal life. What is eternal life? It is knowing God and knowing Jesus Christ, whom He sent.
2. Jesus glorified God (4,5)
Just as the Father glorified the son, the son glorified the Father. Jesus glorified God by completing the work his Father had given him to do. He was obedient to all the Father had given him to do, even to death on a cross. He had raised disciples, healed the sick, preached His word, and finally went willingly to the cross. Jesus revealed God's glory in all that he did.