1. "...unless I go away..." (1-11)
The world hated the disciples. How? They put them out of the synagogues and they thought killing them was doing a service to God. Jesus was leaving them in such a time, and the disciples were grieving. But Jesus taught them it was to their benefit he was going. Because he was going, he could send them the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would be their Advocate. He would testify that the world was wrong about sin (unbelief) and righteousness (Jesus going to the Father) and judgment (sin is condemned).
2. He will guide you into all truth (12-15)
The Holy Spirit would come and guide the disciples into all truth. The Spirit would make known all that it received from Jesus. The Holy Spirit would be with the disciples after Jesus left them. It would guide them and tell them all they needed to know to continue to grow as Jesus' disciples. The Holy Spirit does the same with us. God sends the Holy Spirit to us as well. He will be our advocate and will guide us in the truth of God.