1. So that they may live according to God (1-6)
Christ suffered. His body was beaten and hung on a cross. Because of Christ's suffering, our sins are forgiven and we have eternal life. As those who belong to Christ, we should have the same attitude Christ did. When we suffer in the body (carry our cross), we are done with sin. The Christ's blood has washed us clean of all of our sin. What is the result of our suffering in this way? We live for the will of God, and not in the corrupt ways of this world. Unbelievers are surprised when we don't join in their revelry. But one day, those unbelievers will give an account of themselves to God. They will be judged. But we will live.
2. Be alert and pray (7-11)
The day of Christ's coming is getting nearer and nearer. It may come very soon, or it may yet be a long time. But we know it is coming. What should we do with this knowledge? Live as though his coming were very near! We should be alert. We should pray. Most of all, we should love one another.