1. You must be born again (1-8)
Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the Jewish ruling council. He seemed to have everything. Yet he had to come to Jesus at night. Jesus knew his problem and gave the answer, "To see the kingdom of God, you must be born again." Nicodemus misunderstood it as a physical rebirth, which was impossible for an old man. But Jesus meant spiritual rebirth, which was possible by believing in Jesus.
2. So the son of man must be lifted up (9-15)
Nicodemus was a teacher of Israel yet he did not understand the spiritual world saying, "How can this be?" Jesus pointed out his problem. That was not to accept Jesus' new teaching out of his ignorance and pride. Jesus testified that he was from heaven. Jesus further revealed about how to have eternal life; God would lift him up as Moses lifted up the snake. Everyone who looked up at the snake was healed as God promised. Now God would save anyone who looks up to the crucified Jesus by giving him eternal life.