1. Jesus was crucified between two criminals (26-34)
While Jesus was enroute to Golgotha, Simon from Cyrene was forced to carry Jesus' cross and entered gospel history. Women mourned after him, and Jesus told them the real reason to cry is because of God's sure judgment. The soldiers crucified Jesus between two criminals to shame him more. But in this way the grace and truth of Jesus' crucifixion for our sins is revealed. Jesus was crucified in our places, bearing all our sins, shame, sorrow and suffering. Verse 34a reveals the heart of Jesus, when he said, "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing." When it was the hardest to forgive, Jesus freely forgave, understanding how sin blinds us and binds us. (Ro 1:31) Jesus is our Savior and Friend.
2. "You will be with me in paradise" (35-43)
The religious leaders, the soldiers and one of the criminals jeered Jesus for saving others but not himself. But the other criminal acknowledged his guilt and asked for Jesus' mercy. Jesus gave him a very precious promise, "Today, you will be with me in paradise." (43)