1. God stacked the odds against Israel (1-8)
God likes to show his power in weakness or smallness. Midian's side had over 135,000 soldiers (8:10). Israel had 32,000. So the odds were against Israel over 4:1. God knew that if Israel won they would boast in their own strength. So God directed fearful men to go home. That left 10,000 for Israel. Now the odds were 14:1 against Israel. God said, "still too many." At a water break, only 300 men drank from cupped hands. God said, "With those 300 I will save you." The odds were 450:1. To men, it was crazy for Israel to fight. But not to God.
2. "For the Lord and for Gideon" (9-25)
God encouraged Gideon through an enemy's dream and interpretation that Gideon would overturn the whole Midianite camp. Gideon attacked in three groups at night. When Gideon's 300 men broke jars, blew trumpets and held torches, the enemies woke up in a frenzy, running and stabbing each other.