1. The call to a covenantal life (1-11)
Joshua was now old and wanted to bless Israel. He reminded them of God's grace. God fought for them and would help them to take root, just as he promised. Joshua told them to be separate from the nations, by courageously standing as God's people; by obeying God's word; holding fast to God and rejecting idolatry. They were to be careful to love the Lord their God (11). God would help them.
2. Consequences of turning from God (12-16)
If the people compromised with pagan nations and worshipped their idols, the Lord would not go ahead of them as they continued the conquest. They would suffer if they didn't repent, even perishing from the land. Though God is full of grace, there are consequences to disobedience. We must not depend on ourselves, but on the Lord who is able to help us remain faithful to him and love him.