1. God's household (3:14-16)
The church is not a building or organization but the household of God - the family of God, whom the living God dwells with. This church is centered on this truth of Jesus' person and Jesus' work. True godliness springs from this mysterious union of man with God through the gospel of Jesus. The church, living out true godliness in a fallen world, becomes the pillar and foundation of truth as we hold to it (3:9) guard it (6:20) and proclaim it (4:13).
2. Consecrated by the word of God (4:1-5)
In contrast to truth, demonic-influenced teaching led to extreme asceticism: forbidding people to marry or abstain from certain foods. This was not truth, but deceit. Everything God created is good, and is to be received with thanksgiving. Let's hold to the word of God and prayer, living a holy (consecrated) life.