1. Betrayal and arrest (43-65)
We begin to see what our magnificent Savior took upon himself in our place. His dignity is majestic and his mercy is overflowing. He bore the treachery of betrayal as Judas kissed him on the cheek. A mob came to arrest him in the middle of the night as if he were some violent criminal. The midnight trial was illegal and the false witnesses couldn't even get their stories straight. When the high priest asked Jesus, "Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?" Jesus responded, "I am." Although he responded truthfully, they accused him of blasphemy. In this way, our guilt and our shame began to be placed on the Lord. We are the ones who are guilty. He took upon himself everything we deserve.
2. Peter's denial (66-72)
Peter denied the Lord three times, just as the Lord had predicted. Our Lord knew about everything that was going to happen and he surrendered himself willingly. Every detail was unfolding according to the sovereign plan of God. Peter remembered what the Lord had told him and he broke down and wept. He saw how proud he had been and how weak he really was. What a painful lesson for Peter and for us! Praise God that Jesus is faithful to forgive and to restore.