Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 77:1~20
Keyverse : 12

1. My soul refused to be comforted (1-9)

The psalmist was in distress. He could not sleep; so he prayed all night. He remembered better times and wondered if such times would ever come again. His distress was so great that he began to question God's love. Then he decided to think about God instead of about himself.

2. Meditate on God's mighty works (10-20)

God's ways are holy. He has done great and mighty deeds. He redeemed the people of Israel from bondage in Egypt. All nature trembles before her Creator God. The waters of the Red Sea writhed before him, and opened to make a path for God's people through the sea. God's lightning lights up the world; his thunder shakes the earth. God uses his mighty power to lead his people through this wilderness world like a flock of sheep.

Application: Lord, when my heart is distressed and I cannot sleep, turn my thoughts from myself and my problems to you and your mighty deeds of love and power.
One Word: Meditate on God