Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 73:1~28
Keyverse : 17

1. My feet had almost slipped (1-16)

The psalmist believed that God is good to the pure in heart, but when he looked at the world, it seemed that evil people prospered, while good men suffered. His godless neighbor was a man of violence who oppressed the weak. He was unbearably arrogant and deliberately defiant toward God. Yet he was healthy, carefree, wealthy, and popular. On the other hand, the psalmist had struggled to keep his heart and hands pure, but he was weighed down with burdens and problems. He envied the godless man, and he began to doubt God's love. What was worse, he didn't want to be a bad influence, so he couldn't talk to anyone.

2. God is my portion forever (17-28)

Then he went into the sanctuary; he prayed and met God. He saw himself and the world from God's point of view. He repented (21,22). He realized that a just God would deal with the wicked. He rejoiced in God and found peace and true hope in him.

Application: Lord, you are the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
One Word: Enter God's sanctuary