Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 71:1~24
Keyverse : 3

1. Serve God in the days of youth (1-17)

David loved God and served him when he was just a shepherd boy. He put his hope in God. God was his rock of refuge, one-to whom he could always go. Throughout his lifetime he was attacked by many enemies. Some wanted to kill him; some sought to discredit him and smear his reputation. Some said that God had forsaken him. But he continued to praise God and to proclaim his mighty acts, his righteousness and his salvation all day long.

2. Praise and serve God in old age (18-24)

When his strength was gone and enemies still surrounded him, he continued to trust God. He asked God to help him declare God's marvelous deeds to the next generation and to generations to come. He had encountered many bitter trials, but he had resurrection faith (20). He continued to sing God's praise and shout for joy, and to make music on the harp and lyre.

Application: Lord, you have taught me since my youth; help me to declare your marvelous deeds to the next generation.
One Word: Friends for life; friends forever