Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 69:1~36
Keyverse : 30

1. Save me, O God (1-18)

Sometimes we suffer for our sins (5); sometimes we suffer unjustly (4); sometimes we suffer because we are God's people (7). Jesus suffered because he loved God and loved mankind (9). The psalmist prays that his suffering may not discourage God's people (6). He himself does not doubt God's love; he calls on God for strength and help. Suffering for Jesus' sake helps us to know him better.

2. When God's servant is rejected (19-29)

David experienced rejection; Jesus was scorned and rejected by his own people. When God's love is rejected, it turns into wrath. Jesus experienced verse 21, and Paul quoted verses 22-23 (Ro 11:9,10) to warn the Jews who rejected God's Messiah.

3. I will praise God (30-36)

The bitter heart cannot remain bitter when one lifts it to God in praise.

Application: Lord, teach me to thank you in all circumstances.
One Word: Glorify God with thanksgiving