Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 58:1~11
Keyverse : 11

1. Is there any justice in the earth? (1-5)

The earth seems to be full of injustice. Wicked men vent their evil and apparently nothing can stop them. They are like a cobra that has stopped its ears and refuses to respond to the charmer's pipe. Sweet talk doesn't stop men who plot evil and speak lies. God's servants can't fight with Satan's tools. So what can we do?

2. God is a Righteous Judge (6-11)

When he was helpless to stop injustice and evil, David prayed. He prayed that God might disarm his enemies; that they might be like a slug that melts as it moves along, and that their evil plans might never see fruition--like a stillborn child that never sees the light of day. He believed in God's justice. He did not harbor grudges or plan human ways of revenge, but trusted the righteous God who judges all men. Jesus forgave his enemies; David committed his anger to the righteous God.

Application: Lord, remove from me all grudges and help me to pray when I am angry. Give me Jesus' spirit to go one step beyond, and forgive.
One Word: Vengeance belongs to God