Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 54:1~7
Keyverse : 4

1. Save me, O God! (1-3)

Saul envied David and sought to kill him. (See 1Sa 23:13-29.) During his years as a fugitive in the desert David learned to depend on God. He didn't know what to do, so he cried out to God for help. The wilderness life became a time of God's training. Because he cried out to God in time of trouble, he grew in his inner man. God's training helped him grow as a great king and shepherd for his people.

2. He has delivered me (4-7)

When we depend wholly on God, he is always faithful to help. David experienced the saving grace and help of the Lord. He never forgot to offer a thanksgiving offering, and to praise and thank God who delivered him from all his troubles. Hard problems are opportunities to pray; God's deliverance is an opportunity to praise and thank God.

Application: Lord, thank you for hearing and answering my prayers when I call on you with all my heart. Help me to offer to you an offering that expresses my thanks.
One Word: God is my help; he sustains me