1. God shines forth in beauty (1-15)
The Mighty God comes in beauty. He summons all the earth to come before him. To his own covenant people he speaks first. He does not need their gifts and offerings, for he owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He wants his people to offer to him the sacrifice of thanksgiving. He wants us to call on him in the day of trouble. He promises to deliver us. And we must honor him.
2. To the wicked God says:... (16-23)
The wicked have no claim on God's covenant promises. They break God's Ten Commandments: they steal, commit adultery, tell lies, slander brothers. They do not obey the word of God or even study it. In fact, they put the word of God behind them. God wants all people to sacrifice thank offerings to him and keep their promises. Those who forget God will be torn to pieces with none to rescue them. God will show the way to those who thank him.
Application: Lord, have mercy on me and teach me your word. Help me to honor you as God, and call on your name, and offer to you sacrifices of thanksgiving.
One Word: Do not despise the Law of God