1. Gideon finishes the job (1-21)
Gideon and his 300 men were exhausted and hungry after winning a great battle, but they pursued the enemy kings. They were met with criticism and indifference. He answered the Ephraimites humbly. But when the people of Succoth and Peniel refused them bread because they didn't want to get involved, Gideon promised to come back and teach them a lesson--and he did. There is no neutrality on the battlefield. Gideon found a way through the desert. He pursued and captured and executed the enemy kings.
2. Gideon's mistake (22-35)
Gideon was a man of his times. He had no Bible, so he did what he thought was right. He refused the Israelite's offer to become king--the Lord was their king! But he made a victory trophy out of the gold earrings of the enemy. This became an idol. People with no sense of history soon forget God--and they forget his servants, too. So they forgot Gideon.
Application: Lord, help me to overcome criticism and indifference and finish the task.
One Word: Finish the job; give God glory