1. Gideon puts out a fleece (6:33-40)
Gideon summoned Israel to arms, but he was still fearful. So he tested God; he wanted some kind of assurance that God would really use him to save Israel. So God graciously reassured him, first by making his wool fleece wet, then making it dry.
2. 300 men of faith (7:1-25)
The real enemy was fear. The Lord understood Gideon's and the people's fear. Fear is overcome by trusting in God. God wanted to plant faith in the people--not just win a victory. He told Gideon to send the fearful men home; 22,000 left, leaving only 10,000. He gave these men a 'water-lapping test,' and chose 300 alert men who lapped water from their hands. Gideon was worried about fighting the Midianite hoard with only 300 men, so God sent him to the enemy camp to learn faith. By faith, Gideon and his 300 men obeyed God; they struck terror in the hearts of the enemy and won a great victory.
Application: Lord, help me to overcome the fear that permeates society and live by faith.
One Word: The Lord saves--trust him