Daily Bread Content


Date : Nov 22, 2016
Passage : Luke 5:27~32
Keyverse : 5:31-32

First, follow me (27-28). It is unusual for Jesus to call a tax collector, but he did. Jesus knew that Levi could not come to him so he came by Levi's tax office. He must have known how miserable he was despite the good pay he made. As a tax collector, Levi sold his countrymen and his conscience to make a living. Jesus gave him just two words that would forever change his life: 'Follow me.' Jesus gives sinners new life direction. 'Follow me' means 'Come and be my disciple.' Levi got up, left everything and followed him (28). Second, I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance (29-32). Levi was so happy that he held a banquet for Jesus to celebrate his new life. The Pharisees gave Jesus a hard time for eating and drinking with sinners. But he made it clear why he did so. A doctor has to see sick patients to heal them. Likewise, Jesus had to visit sinners in order to love them and heal them. Jesus did not come to call self-righteous people but needy people who know they are sinners in need of a Savior.
Application: Lord Jesus, thank you for loving me and calling me to be a disciple. Help me to follow you and learn your shepherd life for sinners.
One Word: Jesus came to call sinners