Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Revelation 13:1~18
Keyverse : 10b

1. The beast out of the sea (1-10)

The beast out of the sea represents worldly power. Once he was dealt a fatal blow, but he recovered. Daniel 7:1-6,17 uses the symbolism of the leopard, bear and lion to represent worldly power--the powerful aggressor nations. When the world is controlled by a godless power and there are no moral restraints, the whole world--except those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life--will worship the beast. God's people must be faithful and endure patiently.

2. The beast out of the earth (11-18)

This beast looks like the Lamb. He represents false religion. He forms a coalition the beast of the world. He deceives people. He puts his mark on everyone. No one can buy or sell without his mark. His number is 666. Each digit is one short of seven, the perfect number. Deception is most evil. Satan is the deceiver.

Application: Lord, give me patient endurance and wisdom to be faithful to you in a world dominated by the two beasts.
One Word: Endure patiently; be faithful