1. Pay careful attention (1)
There are people who have heard the gospel and know that it is true, but who do not allow it to change their lives. One who says he believes in Jesus, but does not acknowledge him as Lord does not have saving faith, for we express our faith by our obedience. We must hold God's word in our hearts and walk with him in obedience every day, otherwise we will drift away into the world.
2. How shall we escape? (2-4)
The laws and covenants of the Old Testament were given by God through his angels. They were binding on God's people before Christ came and fulfilled them. Now God has provided a great salvation through the death and resurrection of his Son Jesus. It was announced by Jesus himself, confirmed by the apostles, attested to by the Holy Spirit and by signs and wonders. It is God's unique way of opening the door of heaven for us. How can we escape if we neglect the only way of salvation?
Application: Lord, I want to walk with you in faith and obedience today and tomorrow and every day so that I may not neglect your great salvation.
One Word: Don't neglect God's salvation