1. Jesus, worshiped by angels (5-9)
Jesus is not an angel; he is God the Son. When God brought his firstborn into the world, angels worshiped him (6; Lk 2:14). Angels are heavenly beings. They are God's servants; they are his messengers. Jesus is God who became man; as a man, he is a descendant of King David. His throne will last for ever and ever. He rules with righteousness.
2. Jesus, the Eternal Creator (10-14)
Jesus is the Word of God who was there in the beginning. He laid the foundations of the earth and he molded the heavens with his hands. Through him all things were made (Jn 1:1-3). Heaven and earth will wear out like an old coat, but the Eternal Creator will be the same forever. God did not tell the angels that they would reign, but he promised his Son that he would make his enemies his footstool. Jesus died and rose to defeat sin and death; he is seated at the right hand of God to reign forever.
Application: Praise the Father God who sent his Son to be our Savior. Praise Jesus who won the victory over life and death.
One Word: Jesus reigns forever