1. Called to be free (13-15)
Christ has set us free so that we can love others. If our fellowship is full of arguments, rivalry and jealous competition, we will only destroy one another. Only when we love our neighbors as ourselves can we have real freedom in Christ.
2. Led by the Spirit (16-21)
Some people think that being free is doing everything one feels like doing. Some think that freedom is gratifying one's physical desires. But this is not freedom; it is the sure way to slavery. The desires of the sinful nature are listed in verses 19-21. These desires enslave us when we yield to them. When we are led by the Spirit, we have power to overcome the sinful nature. The sinful nature leads us to destruction; the Spirit leads us to the heavenly kingdom.
Application: Lord, help me to use the freedom you have given me to build up and encourage others--not to tear them down, nor to tear myself down.
One Word: Led by the Spirit--real freedom