Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Romans 8:18~25
Keyverse : 18

1. The waiting creation (18-21)

Because of man's sin, the ground was cursed (Ge 3:17). But God, who subjected all creation to futility, had a great hope. His hope is described in verses 21-23. All creation waits for the day of liberation, the day when Christ comes again to restore the spiritual order of Eden and make earth like heaven. (See Isa 11.) Jesus taught us to wait and pray for this time.

2. We wait patiently (22-25)

Sometimes we have high hopes for other people or for ourselves, but our expectations become burdensome. We put our hope in worldly things, only to see them turn to dust; or if we taste the glory of human achievement, we find that it only lasts for a moment. We must make God's hope for the world and for ourselves our own. When Jesus comes again, this world will become like heaven, and our bodies will be like Jesus' resurrection body. Waiting patiently on God is what faith is all about.

Application: Lord, may your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
One Word: Hope of future glory