1. A long meeting (7-9)
After spending the Passover week--Easter--in Philippi, Paul sailed from the rendezvous point of the journey team--Troas (5,6). The believers in Troas eagerly awaited him. Paul spoke at the Sunday Worship Service. They planned to have dinner together after his message, but he felt that this was his final visit with them, so he kept on talking until midnight.
2. He is alive! (10-12)
The upstairs room was hot and the lamps made it hotter. Eutychus was sitting in the window, and as Paul talked on and on, he sank into a deep sleep and fell out of the 3rd story window to the ground. Paul put his arms around him and said, 'Don't be alarmed! He's alive!' Then they ate dinner together, and Paul continued talking until dawn. They were encouraged by the word of God and by the demonstration of his life-giving power.
Application: Lord, help me to learn Paul's zeal and patience to plant God's word.
One Word: The word of God gives life