1. Do you believe in the Son of Man? (35-38)
To be thrown out of the synagogue was a social and religious tragedy. Because this man held to his convictions, he was cast out. He was cut off from his people, even cut off from his own parents. Jesus went to see him. Jesus did not offer him a job or an apartment. He planted faith in his heart. He opened his spiritual eyes to see the Christ, and thus find the one worthy of his worship. It was worth it all.
2. Are we blind too? (39-41)
Jesus did not come to judge or condemn, but men judge themselves by their response when they confront him. So he said, 'I came into this world for judgment.' When men deliberately suppress the truth, they become spiritually blind. The Pharisees were guilty because their rejection of truth was deliberate. A man who deliberately closes his eyes is blind--and he is responsible.
Application: Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God. Help me to walk daily in the light of your truth.
One Word: Lord, I believe