1. A paralyzed sinner (17-20)
The paralyzed man had some friends who believed that Jesus could help him. They overcame all difficulties and found a way to bring their friend to Jesus. Jesus blessed their faith. He still hears us when we pray for our friends, and blesses our faith when we bring them to him.
2. Friend, your sins are forgiven (21-26)
This man was a helpless paralytic. He was totally dependant on others. Jesus saw his real problem as a sin problem. He represents one kind of sinner--the kind whom sin has made useless and burdensome. Jesus did something that only God can do--he forgave the man's sins. Then, to show to the Pharisees who criticized him the power of God and the nature of forgiveness, he made the man walk. Sin still makes spiritual paralytics of people. Jesus came to forgive sin and to make useless people useful.
Application: Lord, cleanse me of sin and make me a useful person. Give me the faith and love to bring others to you.
One Word: Jesus has authority to forgive