Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Mark 15:1~20
Keyverse : 2

1. Are you the King of the Jews? (1-15)

The Sanhedrin decided that Jesus must die. They had no authority to execute him, so they handed him over to Pilate (Jn 18:31). When Pilate questioned him, Jesus affirmed his kingship. He is the true King; his kingdom is spiritual, based on truth (Jn 18:37,38). Jesus was silent before his accusers (5; Isa 53:7). Pilate knew that the Jews accused him because of envy (10). When he tried to compromise and free Jesus, he was thwarted. Finally, he released a murderer and condemned an innocent man to death. Pilate had no commitment to truth or justice.

2. Jesus mocked by soldiers (16-20)

The soldiers dressed him in kingly robes, struck him, and paid him mock homage. There are those today who respect no one and who mock truth and sincerity. They make God's heart sorrowful. Jesus' suffering fulfills Isaiah 53:4,5. He bore my sins. By his stripes I am healed.

Application: Lord Jesus, you are King. Purge from my heart fear and compromise.
One Word: Jesus is the true king