Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Mark 12:41~44
Keyverse : 44

1. The offering of the rich (41)

Jesus was teaching in the temple. He had warned his disciples about trying to become great men by dressing in fancy clothes. Now he sat watching the crowd putting their money in the temple treasury. Jesus was interested in the people's giving, because giving is a spiritual thermometer. The way people use their money tells where their hearts are. The rich people threw in large amounts of money, but it was money left over after they had bought all the things they felt they needed. There was no sacrifice and no love for God in their giving.

2. The poor widow's offering (42-44)

Jesus was moved when a poor widow offered two small coins, for she gave out of her poverty, not out of her wealth. He didn't look at the amount of money, but at the amount of sacrifice. She could offer because she did not depend on money. Rather, she loved God and depended on him. She gave the most.

Application: Lord, help me to offer you the first and best, not the leftovers.
One Word: Love God and give him the best