Daily Bread Content


Date : Sep 12, 2016
Passage : Numbers 8:1~26
Keyverse : 8:18

First, the light of the lamps (1-4). Lighting was an aid in worship, representing God's presence. In the midst of the darkness was God. God is light; in him there is no darkness. His light revealed his truth, his life, his wisdom, his hope and his way. God is always with his people shedding his light. The lampstands were very ornate. This too has spiritual meaning. It reveals the beautiful fruit that grows among those who dwell in the light of God. Second, the Levites declared the praises of God (5-26). All Israel belonged to God, but the firstborn males belonged to him in a unique way. God appointed them as Levites whom he set apart to serve at the Tent of Meeting on behalf of all the people. They were consecrated to God. All the Israelites laid hands on them to dedicate them to God. In some sense, all Christians are meant to serve as a type of Levite, revealing God's glory among the people. They are a kingdom of priests.
Application: Lord, thank you for calling people for ministerial roles among your people. Equip them to serve you, so that they can point the people to you in worship.
One Word: Called to declare God's praises